Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Grant”
Test Equipment Grant

Applications for the grant is now closed.
It’s become a cliche, but hardware is hard! One reason why hardware is harder than software is that the time between revisions is often longer. We need to wait for new PCBs, or for components to be delivered. Or for more new PCBs after we realise we got it wrong!
Another reason is that it can be expensive, and not just for the physical components. We generally need more of a lab than software developers. Not just soldering irons and good lighting. Test gear is essential for learning how your circuit is actually behaving, matching simulation to the real world. And it’s usually expensive.
Zero to ASIC course Ticket Grant

I am excited to introduce a grant for the Zero to ASIC course.
The grant will provide a Silicon-level ticket for selected participants. Two grants will be awarded per month.
Course goals
This course aims to revolutionize open-source silicon by training engineers, hobbyists and enthusiasts to make their own ASICs. During the course, you will design a circuit that will be submitted to the Google lottery MPW to be manufactured in silicon!