Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Course”
Review of 2024 and aims for 2025

Wow what a year! In this post I’m going to look back over 2024 and share some of my highlights and the goals I met and failed. Then I’ll share my ambitions and predictions for 2025.
With all the open source tapeouts, events, workshops and news, there’s a ton to cover - so let’s jump in!
I aimed for 2000 new people to get started with open source silicon via my courses and tiny tapeout.
Tiny Tapeout 9

Tiny Tapeout 9 closed with 95% utilisation! It was our best ever run, with 369 designs submitted from 21 countries.
Among the digital projects we had an Atari 2600 (with games), a wide range of CPUs and even some SDR projects.
On the analog side we had PLLs, opamps, ADCs, DACs and time to digital converters.
For all the projects, check the chip’s page.
I printed the datasheet, and it’s hefty! Download it here.
My analog microelectronics journey

This article will give you some insight into my journey into the world of analog microelectronics, as told in my recent talk at ORConf 2024.
Back in 2020, inspired by Tim Ansell’s announcement of free tapeouts, I jumped headfirst into the world of open-source ASIC design. My first chip was a digitally focused project, reflecting my background in FPGA programming. It was amazing to see the power of digital abstraction—designing with ones and zeros, instantiating tons of transistors with a single line of code—but it also made me appreciate the incredible complexity hidden beneath the surface.
Review of 2023 and aims for 2024

Hi and happy new year! Welcome to my year in review post of 2023. We’ll revisit the biggest moments of open source semiconductors, the goals I failed and those I met, and set some new ones for 2024!
So, let’s start with the biggest news of 2023.
Last year saw the end of the Google sponsored lottery shuttles. We were expecting around another 8 shuttles for sky130, GF180 and the start of sky90. The last shuttle was GFMPW1, which closed late last year and the Sky 130 PDK is now in the safe hands of the chips alliance.
Tiny Tapeout 2 Silicon Is Alive!

We submitted Tiny Tapeout 2 back in December, and last week I received the chips from Efabless.
Most first chip designs fail, but you never hear about it because the big companies keep it a secret. So we thought - why not do the world’s first public silicon bring up?
Thankfully the chips worked, and you can watch the whole stream here.
We’ve since found 1 errata, but luckily not a show stopper.
Tiny Tapeout 4

I’m very happy to have over 140 designs from 30 countries submitted to Tiny Tapeout 4!
Top level statistics:
- Total standard cells 82126
- Maximum cells used was 6813 for project 033
- Maximum utilisation was 87.18% for project 016
- Total wire length was 2607 mm
Thanks to everyone who submitted and all the contributors. Also a huge thanks to Efabless Corporation for sponsoring the project!
Tiny Tapeout 5 is already open and will close in early November 2023.
Review of 2022 and aims for 2023

Welcome to my highlights from 2022! It was a big year for open-source silicon, especially the Zero to ASIC course and Tiny Tapeout. Let’s look at some of the highlights and then some aims for 2023.
Here are a few of the highlights:
- Four Zero to ASIC course tapeouts: MPW5, MPW6, MPW7, and MPW8
- Rolled out Tiny Tapeout 1 and 2, helping nearly 250 people tapeout their designs,
- I personally submitted my 19th tapeout
- Presented and hosted a Tiny Tapeout workshop at the Hackaday SuperCon in Novemeber 2022. Met tons of people, including Sam Zeloof @szeloof.
- YouTube Channel had 82k views and 2.5k new subscribers
- Introduced Siliwiz
Zero to ASIC course Tapeouts
The Zero to ASIC course continued to grow, we now have 280 students and made submissions to four multi-project wafers (MPW).
Cloud Tools for ASIC Development

ASIC development tools have often been inaccessible due to cost and complexity. Even as free, open-source tools have become available, the complexity of building and installing the tools has slowed their use by would-be designers.
A challenge in making ASIC development more accessible has been to provide free, easy-to-use development tools. Thankfully development of cloud-based tools using open-source software are making chip design easier than ever.
In June 2022, I had the chance to talk with @Proppy, a Tokyo-based Google engineer who’s enabling people to collaborative ASIC in the cloud with Jupyter and Colab notebooks.
GlobalFoundries 180nm Fab

An exciting new opportunity for developing open-source silicon reached fruition at the end of 2022!
GlobalFoundries (GF) teamed up with Google to fund open-source projects using GF’s foundry and their open-source 180nm PDK GF180.
Open-source PDKs like GF180 and Skywater 130nm are essential for making silicon design more accessible. To now have GlobalFoundries involved with fabricating designs will hopefully mean increased opportunities to turn designs into silicon.
GF180’s first multi-project wafer (MPW) tapeout was in December 2022, and several people from the Zero to ASIC and Tiny Tapeout communities were able to submit designs. Here are some highlights:
Submit Tiny Tapeout Projects to an MPW

Using the Tiny User Project tool, people can quickly submit a Tiny Tapeout design to the MPW lottery. The low barrier to entry makes this a great tool to try variations on a design, test faster I/O speeds on an MPW tapeout, or simply compare tapeout processes using a different submission venue.
@Proppy developed the an easy-to-use tool as an extension to the Tiny Tapeout flow.
Proppy’s template repository uses GitHub actions to add a design to the Efabless Caravel User Project. The actions automatically perform the steps requried to harden the design, generate the necessary GDS files, and even generate a convenient GDS viewer. Additionally, the actions output useful reports on cell resource utilization, manufacturability errors, and the precheck results.
Tiny Tapeout 2 submitted for manufacture

I’m happy to announce that Tiny Tapeout 2 was successfully submitted for manufacture in December 2022! 164 designs were included on the tapeout.
Update! Tiny Tapeout 2 chips are back and working!
If you’re unfamiliar, Tiny Tapeout is an educational project that makes it easier and cheaper than ever to get your digital designs manufactured on a real chip! We had a first trial, Tiny Tapeout in September 2022 that was destined for MPW7.
Zero to ASIC course Ticket Grant

I am excited to introduce a grant for the Zero to ASIC course.
The grant will provide a Silicon-level ticket for selected participants. Two grants will be awarded per month.
Course goals
This course aims to revolutionize open-source silicon by training engineers, hobbyists and enthusiasts to make their own ASICs. During the course, you will design a circuit that will be submitted to the Google lottery MPW to be manufactured in silicon!
MPW8 submitted!

We submitted for MPW8! Special congratulations to Adrian Wong for the course submission!
We still managed to get 4 projects in the submission…not bad for a deadline of New Year’s Eve.
The projects include a partial implementation of an L1 GPS tracking channel by Adrian Wong, a Simon Says game implementated by Uri Shaked, and 2 demo submissions (frequency counter and RGB mixer) from me.
Here’s the github repo for the group submission and the Efabless project.
Monthly Update - September 2022

Welcome to the September 2022 monthly update!
Here are the main topics from last month:
- MPW7 submission,
- MPW2 updates,
- Job posting at E-Fabless,
- New videos,
- Is it the end for UVM? and
- Rendering GDS files with Blender or in your browser
The deadline for MPW7 was the 14th of September and the Zero to ASIC course submitted another set of projects. Special shout out to Farhad, Peng and James who are all first time tape outs on the project. Well done everyone!
3D Rendering of GDS Files

The 3D structures created within a silicon die are spectacular to see.
Thanks to Maximo (@maxiborga on Twitter), there’s now a video for 3D rendering ASIC designs enabling anyone to convert their ASIC design into a beautiful 3D rendering.
3D-rendered chip in Blender
His walkthrough shows how to convert GDS to STL files, enabling you to import the files in image editing software like Blender.
3D Printed Standard Cells

ASICs pack in billions of transistors per square centimeter, making their construction and functionality impossible to understand with the naked eye.
In fact, the upcoming 2 nanometer technology will be so small* that the transistor dimensions will only be 20X larger than an individual atom.
Wouldn’t it be great to see how ASICs are built in 3D at a scale that our bulky human hands can appreciate?
Well wait no longer! Thanks to Thorsten Knoll’s guide, you can now 3D print the cells that make up an ASIC using the GDS files.
MPW7 submitted!

We submitted for MPW7! I am particularly excited about this submission because we were able to submit the Zero to ASIC course designs as well as the first Tiny Tapeout design.
MPW7 has by far had the most submissions of the MPW shuttles so far with 72 submitted projects as of 13 September.
Congratulations to everyone on the course submission! We had 9 projects from the course, with 1 demo arbitrary function generator from me, a 32-bit RISC-V based processor by Farhad, an in silicon version of Conway’s Game of Life from Uri and a Spiking Neural Network (SNN) accelerator by Peng Zhou. We also implemented 1kByte of RAM with open-source OpenRAM.
MPW6 submitted!

We submitted for MPW6!
We had 4 submissions from the course, the shared SRAM infrastructure, and I did some work on instrumenting Teo’s hardware adders.
Congratulations to:
- Zorkan ERKAN
- Emre Hepsag
- Gregory Kielian
- Jason K. Eshraghian
for getting your first ASIC designs on the submission!
We also had some people from the course make personal applications for a whole chip:
- Shumpei Kawasaki - MARMOT SOC
- Maximo - Hardware implementation of the Hack Computer from the Nand to Tetris courses,
- Proppy - HSV Mixer
Here’s the github repo for the group submission and the Efabless project.
MPW5 submitted!

We submitted for MPW5!
We had 8 submissions from the course, the shared SRAM infrastructure, and I updated my demo designs.
We also had some people from the course make personal applications for a whole chip:
- Steve & Zhenle - PSRAM (HyperRAM) interface with an ACORN PRNG,
- Q3K - simple, microcontroller-style SoC based around a Lanai core,
- Maximo - Hardware implementation of the Hack Computer from the Nand to Tetris courses,
- Zbigniew - A rendering circuit for three blobs and a playable tetris clone.
And thanks to Paweł for updating the shared SRAM blocks.
MPW1 is Alive

Yes! All the designs I submitted to MPW1 are working:
- ✅ 7 segment display
- ✅ TPM2137 CTF
- ✅ WS2812 led driver
- ✅ VGA clock
- ✅ Multiplexor
I put together a video to demonstrate them all:
The 4 other designs that were part of this submission were made by friends who I’ve now sent samples to. It’s looking likely that everyone’s designs will work.
MPW1 Bringup

I submitted my first ASIC designs to the free Google shuttle in December of 2020.
In October 2021, we heard there were serious clock related problems with the management area of the chip due to issues with the toolchain. It seemed unlikely that anyone would be able to get anything beyond a single blinking LED from MPW1. The hold violations in the management system meant that the PicoRV32 cpu couldn’t run and setup the GPIOs. So even if our designs work, we can’t get access to them.
MPW4 submitted!

We submitted for MPW4! I was pretty pleased we managed to get so much in with such little time and for a tapeout date of New Year’s Eve.
We had 9 submissions from the course, with 1 demo project from me and a new version of Maximo’s hacksoc. Uri submitted 3 designs including some custom standard cells in the shape of skulls!
We also implemented the shared SRAM, which means that the group projects have access to a local fast memory (like a blockram on an FPGA).
MPW3 submitted!

We submitted for MPW3! The tapeout date was delayed by a couple of weeks due to issues with the toolchain.
We received silicon in June 2023 (18 months later!) and I was able to get both my designs partially working.
We had 7 new submissions from the course, 4 repeats from MPW1 and 2 with fixed clock trees, a new wishbone demo from me and the OpenRAM block.
About Matt Venn

Hi, I’m Matt Venn!
Matthew Venn is a science & technology communicator and electronic engineer. He brings 20 years of engineering experience to create excellent and innovative learning experiences for people all over the world.
I have helped people like you to tape out on all 6 Google/Efabless shuttles. I can teach you how to design chips and how to get them made!
This course has fundamentally changed how I will teach VLSI in the future. Having used and taught the closed source tools, I am now a convert to the open-source tool chain. This course was the guiding force to get over the initial hump of the learning curve near painlessly.
Devin (analog course)
Connect with me
- Join the mailing list
- I also do mentoring and coaching - see my profile.
How I got involved with open source silicon
If you want to learn more about how I got into this exciting world, see these links:
Course Improvements

After 6 months, 90 participants and 14 designs submitted to MPW2, I’m making the Zero to ASIC course even better!
One of the things that’s great about the course is that you can proceed at your own pace. I originally set the course length at 6 weeks, but a lot of people want more time than this. To resolve this I have:
- removed the expiry date on the discord support,
- removed the expiry date on office hours.
To help grow the community and provide another venue for discussing the course, I have added a weekly group call for anyone on the course to join. It’s been going really well; we answer questions, discuss the course and chat about what’s going on in the world of open source ASICs.
Full Analog Course Content

Part 1: Schematic Capture with Xschem
While it’s possible to just draw transistors directly - for example in SiliWiz, this doesn’t scale well and gets confusing fast. We want to draw a circuit diagram first, with levels of hierarchy for more complex designs. These can then be simulated and checked that specifications are met before moving onto layout.
Lab 1.1: Try the Xschem demos
Lab 1.2: Draw your own circuit
- Draw your own circuit and get it ready for simulation.
- If you don’t have a circuit ready, you can use one of the demos.
- Follow best practices.
Part 2: Simulation
After you have a schematic and have exported the netlist to a spice file, we can use ngspice to simulate it. In this part of the course you will start to learn spice, using it to simulate demo designs and then your own.
Full Digital Course Content

Part 1: MOSFETs and the Skywater130 standard cells
MOSFETs are the building blocks of the chips we will be learning how to make. While we don’t need an in depth knowledge of how they work, it’s useful to see how they are joined together into functional blocks known as standard cells - for example AND gates or Flip-Flops.
- Basic understanding of how MOSFETs work.
- How are they constructed on a silicon wafer.
- How to run a simulation with ngspice.
Project 1.1: Choose a standard cell and simulate it
- Get an overview of what the standard cells are.
- Choose your favourite cell, simulate it and show it does what it should.
- Measure how fast it can propagate signals from input to output.
Project 1.2: Draw a mosfet in magic
- Learn the basics of the Magic VLSI tool.
- Extract the circuit from a drawing.
- Simulate with ngspice.
Part 2: Building Digital Designs
As we are focussing on digital design for making our ASIC we need to be able to efficiently describe the kind of hardware we want. Verilog is one of a few languages used for this purpose. It’s well supported by the Open Source tools.
MPW2 Submitted

We did it! 14 people from the course got their designs into the group submission, and the project was accepted for fabrication. Silicon here we come!
You can get all the details on all the projects submitted to MPW2 here - you’ll need to select the MPW2 filter.
And see how I put the application together here, with the repo here.
Project listing
RGB Mixer
- Author: Matt Venn
- Github:
- Description: reads 3 encoders and generates PWM signals to drive an RGB LED
Frequency counter
- Author: Matt Venn
- Github:
- Description: Counts pulses on input and displays frequency on 2 seven segment displays
A5/1 Wishbone
- Author: Jamie Iles
- Github:
- Description: A5/1 cryto block connected via wishbone to PicoRV32
- Author: Konrad Rzeszutek Wilk
- Github:
- Description: Fibonacci emitter connected to [37:8] and controlled via wishbone
Quad PWM FET Drivers
- Author: Chris DePalm
- Github:
- Description: 4 PWM FET Drivers for Power Applications
- Author: Matt Beach
- Github:
- Description: SPI to 64-color memory LCD interface
QARMA-64 Accelerator
- Author: Viktor H. Brange
- Github:
- Description: Implementation of QARMA 64
ChaCha20 Accelerator
- Author: Richard Petri
- Github:
- Description: A minimal Wishbone connected ChaCha20 accelerator
Framebufferless Video Core
- Author: Tom Gwozdz
- Github:
- Description: A framebufferless VGA video generator, under CPU control
- Author: Erik van Zijst
- Github:
- Description: A hardware implementation of Pong
Hack soc
- Author: Maximo Balestrini
- Github:
- Description: Hardware implementation of the Hack Computer from the Nand to Tetris courses
- Author: Konrad Beckmann
- Github:
- Description: gfxdemo
Wishbone HyperRAM
- Author: Pawel Sitarz
- Github:
- Description: Simple HyperRAM driver accesible on Wishbone bus
Newmot SoC
- Author: Charles-Henri Mousset
- Github:
- Description: Simple SoC dmonstrating a Stepper Motor step/dir generator, and litex wishbone / uart / pwm
- Author: David Hulton
- Github:
- Description: Hogge Phase EMFI/BBI Glitch Detector
- Author: Author
- Github:
- Description: dual bfloat16 fused multiply-add
Multi project tools
This time around submission was a lot easier and nerve-wracking than MPW1.
My Zero to ASIC journey

Almost exactly a year ago in March 2020 I started getting interested in Open Source ASIC tooling. I don’t remember exactly what sparked my interest, but I remember this talk by Tim Edwards at WOSH: Bootstrapping a real working design flow and sometime after seeing Adam Zeloof posting a picture of an ASIC implementation of pong.
I began by investigating QFlow. The standard cells used by QFlow were from Oklahoma State University (OSU).
By May I was getting a few results out of QFlow and I was curious to discover how digital logic actually works on silicon. I experimented with Magic and managed to draw and simulate an inverter after taking one of Kunal Ghosh’s VLSI courses.
My first ASIC - MPW1 submitted

Wow! What a journey. I’m very happy to announce our submission is in and accepted. Now we have a long wait to see if it works! (it does! Jump to the end for an update).
Here’s a picture of the final design. The outer edge and the block at the bottom are all part of Caravel, the standard chip format that everyone on the shuttle has to use. It includes a RISCV processor, RAM, UART, a wishbone bus and more.

Sign up to the Zero to ASIC course newsletter!
- Discount codes for the course
- Course updates
- Related projects like TinyTapeout and SiliWiz
- Early access to new material
- Interviews & Videos
- News from the world of open source silicon
The part I enjoyed the most was going back to the Verilog and seeing test benches pass. In particular the waveform viewer. At the latter parts of course you're simulating the entire Caravel system on chip with a RISCV core. Being able to drill down into everything inside that core, I can log the program counter, I can log all the address and data buses and you can just see in exquisite detail what the system is doing, and it's doing that because I programmed it. Being able to drill down into that detail was really fascinating.
Jonathan Pallant (digital course)

Awesome opensource ASIC resources
Talks, Interviews & Podcast
- Zero to ASIC Hackaday #remoticon talk on youtube and slides
- Zero to ASIC emBO++ talk and slides
- Discussion with Robert Feranec
- Zero to ASIC course interviews
- Zero to ASIC course podcast
FOSSi Dialup
SkyWater/Google discussion & announcements
- OpenLane & Documentation
- OpenLane summary tool helps to explore the OpenLane output files.
- Magic
- KLayout
- Open Source FPGA toolchain
- CMOS VLSI Design by Weste & Harris: Expensive but excellent.
- Introduction to VLSI systems by Carver Mead & Lynn Conway: Old but good.
- FPGA boards: iCEBreaker, TinyFPGA, Black Ice
- Will Green’s Project F
- WTFPGA course
Zero to ASIC Analog Course

Important News!
Efabless has just shut down. This has caused a temporary disruption to our route to silicon.
The course continues to run, but in the event that I’m unable to find a future manufacturer, I will offer a refund of the tiles and chips included in course tickets. For more information, check the FAQ.
Analog ticket options
Silicon | Boron | Arsenic | |
Access to 3.5 hours recorded video content & 11 labs | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
Access to updates of the course material | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
Recorded solution videos | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
Access to discord community server | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
Access to weekly community call | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
Access to twice monthly call with analog expert Prof. Harald Pretl. | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
Access to the material for the lifetime of the course ⓘ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
Guaranteed ASIC manufacture ⓘ | ✅ 160x225 um, 2 analog pins | ✅ 334x225 um, 4 analog pins | ✅ |
Your ASIC mounted on a PCB breakout board | $100 + Postage | ✅ | ✅ |
How many chips will you receive | 1 | 1 | 100 |
1 to 1 office hours support with Matt | ❌ | 2 hours | 4 hours |
1 to 1 office hours support with Harald | ❌ | ❌ | 2 hours |
Application to ChipIgnite - design can be closed source | ❌ | ❌ | ✅ |
Team access ⓘ | ❌ | ❌ | ✅ |
- Check your email for onboarding information after your purchase.
- Receipt provided upon purchase for deducting as a business expense.
- Contact me if your business has any special requirements.
- Secure payment handling by Stripe.
- Not ready? Join the mailing list to receive updates and promotional discount codes.
What do people say about the course?
The zero to asic course is a wonderful course put together by Matt . He and his team have meticulously planned the course with lots of good examples and support to get started with the tools for designing your own chips. Hats off to the team for developing such a course and making it available for the users.
Sudhansu (analog course)
This course was very intuitive and had many resources for when I got stuck. The content is broken down into several sections that are easy to digest for all levels of expertise. The Discord channel and weekly calls are where I can ask questions and stay up to date with what is happening in the community. I am very glad to be a part of it and have submitted digital and mixed-signal designs.
Brandon Ramos (analog course)
This course was very intuitive and had many resources for when I got stuck. The content is broken down into several sections that are easy to digest for all levels of expertise. The Discord channel and weekly calls are where I can ask questions and stay up to date with what is happening in the community. I am very glad to be a part of it and have submitted digital and mixed-signal designs.
Brandon Ramos (analog course)
Course Overview
- Full course details here.
- We will concentrate on analog circuit layout and tapeout.
- A virtual machine is available or you can install the tools manually.
- The course is continually updated for the latest tooling and PDK.
- 11 hands-on projects, supported with text guides and over 6 hours of videos.
- Support via:
- Recorded solutions videos.
- Discord community server.
- Twice Monthly analog specific call.
- 1 to 1 office hours with Matt: access to expert help on the Boron and Arsenic level tickets.
- Asynchronous - do in your own time.
- Guaranteed ASIC manufacture with TinyTapeout (specs).
- High resolution set of digital images of the decapped ASIC - see FAQ.
- Access to the course materials for the lifetime of the course.
- Course completion certificate.
- Basic Linux command line experience, Git & Make is helpful.
- Some programming experience helpful.
- Please note that M1 Macs are not well supported at this time.
Zero to ASIC Digital Course

Important News!
Efabless has just shut down. This has caused a temporary disruption to our route to silicon.
The course continues to run, but in the event that I’m unable to find a future manufacturer, I will offer a refund of the tiles and chips included in course tickets. For more information, check the FAQ.
Digital ticket options
Silicon | Boron | Arsenic | |
Access to 6 hours recorded video content & 11 projects | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
Access to updates of the course material | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
Recorded solution videos | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
Access to discord community server | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
Access to weekly call | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
Access to the material for the lifetime of the course ⓘ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
Guaranteed ASIC manufacture ⓘ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
Your ASIC mounted on a PCB breakout board | $100 + Postage | ✅ | ✅ |
How many chips will you receive | 1 | 1 | 100 |
1 to 1 office hours support | ❌ | 2 hours | 4 hours |
Application to ChipIgnite - design can be closed source | ❌ | ❌ | ✅ |
Custom PCB design consultancy | ❌ | ❌ | ✅ |
Team access ⓘ | ❌ | ❌ | ✅ |
- Check your email for onboarding information after your purchase.
- Receipt provided upon purchase for deducting as a business expense.
- Contact me if your business has any special requirements.
- Secure payment handling by Stripe.
- Not ready? Join the mailing list to receive updates and promotional discount codes.
- Are the pricing options too expensive? Apply for a ticket grant ⓘ
What do people say about the course?
Matt Venn's Zero To ASIC course is a real eye-opener to the possibilities of open source hardware. The course itself is a tour-de-force overview of almost all aspects of ASIC development from concept to GDSII. It's also great fun and regardless of your background or previous experience, you'll learn a lot and have a great deal of fun doing it. This course has inspired me to take the next step and submit my own design to efabless.
Mike Thompson (digital course)