Hi, I’m Matt Venn!
Matthew Venn is a science & technology communicator and electronic engineer. He brings 20 years of engineering experience to create excellent and innovative learning experiences for people all over the world.
I have helped people like you to tape out on all 6 Google/Efabless shuttles. I can teach you how to design chips and how to get them made!
I took this course twice, and that probably means something! No, not what you're thinking—it means that beyond learning how to design, test, and tape-out your analog circuit, you gain access to the expertise of the best in the analog design community!
ReJ aka Renaldas Zioma (analog course)
Connect with me
- Linked.in
- Join the mailing list
- I also do mentoring and coaching - see my codementor.io profile.
How I got involved with open source silicon
If you want to learn more about how I got into this exciting world, see these links:
- Article about my own Zero to ASIC journey
- My science communication website
- An interview with SemiWiki
If you want to know more about my backstory, I was interviewed by Attie for his ‘show and tell’ series on youtube.