Short articles about my experience with the Google/Efabless/Skywater130 ASIC process, interviews and any other related topics I think are interesting.
Course Improvements

After 6 months, 90 participants and 14 designs submitted to MPW2, I’m making the Zero to ASIC course even better!
One of the things that’s great about the course is that you can proceed at your own pace. I originally set the course length at 6 weeks, but a lot of people want more time than this. To resolve this I have:
- removed the expiry date on the discord support,
- removed the expiry date on office hours.
To help grow the community and provide another venue for discussing the course, I have added a weekly group call for anyone on the course to join. It’s been going really well; we answer questions, discuss the course and chat about what’s going on in the world of open source ASICs.
Livestream with Thomas Parry: analogue design with the open source ASIC tools

There continues to be a lot of interest about analogue design with the open source PDK.
To cover this interest, I’ve previously interviewed:
One of the big changes in MPW2 was the provision of more analogue support in the form of Caravan - a new harness. This is exciting because one of the key advantages of an ASIC over an FPGA is the mixed signal capability.
MPW2 Submitted

We did it! 14 people from the course got their designs into the group submission, and the project was accepted for fabrication. Silicon here we come!
You can get all the details on all the projects submitted to MPW2 here - you’ll need to select the MPW2 filter.
And see how I put the application together here, with the repo here.
Project listing
RGB Mixer
- Author: Matt Venn
- Github:
- Description: reads 3 encoders and generates PWM signals to drive an RGB LED
Frequency counter
- Author: Matt Venn
- Github:
- Description: Counts pulses on input and displays frequency on 2 seven segment displays
A5/1 Wishbone
- Author: Jamie Iles
- Github:
- Description: A5/1 cryto block connected via wishbone to PicoRV32
- Author: Konrad Rzeszutek Wilk
- Github:
- Description: Fibonacci emitter connected to [37:8] and controlled via wishbone
Quad PWM FET Drivers
- Author: Chris DePalm
- Github:
- Description: 4 PWM FET Drivers for Power Applications
- Author: Matt Beach
- Github:
- Description: SPI to 64-color memory LCD interface
QARMA-64 Accelerator
- Author: Viktor H. Brange
- Github:
- Description: Implementation of QARMA 64
ChaCha20 Accelerator
- Author: Richard Petri
- Github:
- Description: A minimal Wishbone connected ChaCha20 accelerator
Framebufferless Video Core
- Author: Tom Gwozdz
- Github:
- Description: A framebufferless VGA video generator, under CPU control
- Author: Erik van Zijst
- Github:
- Description: A hardware implementation of Pong
Hack soc
- Author: Maximo Balestrini
- Github:
- Description: Hardware implementation of the Hack Computer from the Nand to Tetris courses
- Author: Konrad Beckmann
- Github:
- Description: gfxdemo
Wishbone HyperRAM
- Author: Pawel Sitarz
- Github:
- Description: Simple HyperRAM driver accesible on Wishbone bus
Newmot SoC
- Author: Charles-Henri Mousset
- Github:
- Description: Simple SoC dmonstrating a Stepper Motor step/dir generator, and litex wishbone / uart / pwm
- Author: David Hulton
- Github:
- Description: Hogge Phase EMFI/BBI Glitch Detector
- Author: Author
- Github:
- Description: dual bfloat16 fused multiply-add
Multi project tools
This time around submission was a lot easier and nerve-wracking than MPW1.
Caravel Wishbone Demo

Caravel is the name of the harness provided by Efabless to make it easier to submit a design to the foundry.
Among other things, it provides:
- The padring
- 3kB of memory
- A small RISCV processor called PicoRV32
- A logic analyser
- A Wishbone bus
For the full details, check the documentation
The simplest way to interface between your project and the PicoRV32 is probably the logic analyser. This gives you 128 ins and outs that you can use to configure or debug your design.
MPW2 announced by Efabless

Efabless have announced MPW2! The closing date is the 18th of June.
The biggest changes are:
- OpenLANE ASIC flow updated to rc0.15
- Caravel has become caravel_user_project at the mpw-two-c tag:
- smaller repo size includes a ‘Caravel Lite’ submodule
- new IRQ ports
- logic analyser registers renamed
- An alternative analogue specific ‘Caravan’ harness
- The submission process has been streamlined to make it faster and easier to submit
You can browse the current applications here:
Interview With Dan Rodrigues - first shuttle, racing the beam & retro gaming

In this interview Dan and I talk about his submission to the first shuttle, simulating video projects, how to do graphics with no frame buffer and the joys of retro gaming.
- Caravel repo:
- IceStation32:
OpenLANE Output Files

OpenLANE makes a lot of output files! This can be quite confusing when you’re getting started.
Here’s a useful spreadsheet I made to show:
- the path of the files
- most important files and what they mean
- which tool creates which file
Thanks Amr and Ahmed for helping me with this!
The spreadsheet was updated for MPW2, and there haven’t been major changes in MPW3.
OpenLANE summary tool
I’ve also made a summary tool:
Interview With Thomas Parry - Amateur satellite radio, Open Source vs Industry tools and beautiful analogue layout

In this interview Thomas talks us through his Amateur satellite transceiver shuttle submission. We also discuss the differences between the Open Source tools and the industry standard ones he uses in his day job.
- Design repo:
- Caravel repo:
- Connect with Thomas on linkedin:
My Zero to ASIC journey

Almost exactly a year ago in March 2020 I started getting interested in Open Source ASIC tooling. I don’t remember exactly what sparked my interest, but I remember this talk by Tim Edwards at WOSH: Bootstrapping a real working design flow and sometime after seeing Adam Zeloof posting a picture of an ASIC implementation of pong.
I began by investigating QFlow. The standard cells used by QFlow were from Oklahoma State University (OSU).
By May I was getting a few results out of QFlow and I was curious to discover how digital logic actually works on silicon. I experimented with Magic and managed to draw and simulate an inverter after taking one of Kunal Ghosh’s VLSI courses.
Printing my first ASIC's GDS files

I’ve been wanting to try plotting or printing the GDS files from my first ASIC for a while, and finally I’ve had some time to have a play. I used KLayout because it’s easy to change colours, show and hide layers, and export to a high resolution PNG.
I want to make a poster with 3 pictures inside:
- The whole chip,
- Zoomed into the VGA clock macro,
- Zoomed into the standard cells.
Here’s a photo of the print (I know, how meta) of 1: