MPW5 submitted!
We submitted for MPW5!
We had 8 submissions from the course, the shared SRAM infrastructure, and I updated my demo designs.
We also had some people from the course make personal applications for a whole chip:
- Steve & Zhenle - PSRAM (HyperRAM) interface with an ACORN PRNG,
- Q3K - simple, microcontroller-style SoC based around a Lanai core,
- Maximo - Hardware implementation of the Hack Computer from the Nand to Tetris courses,
- Zbigniew - A rendering circuit for three blobs and a playable tetris clone.
And thanks to Paweł for updating the shared SRAM blocks.
Following Maximo’s work on cool GDS renderings, Proppy has made a few of his hsv2rgb converter project:
Here’s the github repo for the group submission and the Efabless project.
To see how I put the application together check the multi_project_tools.
And here’s a list of the projects - congratulations everyone!
Project Index
Function generator
- Author: Matt Venn
- Github:
- commit: 9e73784d43a91d70cb1a7c9c5d42037f49ed9e67
- Description: arbitary function generator, using shared RAM as the output data
VGA Clock
- Author: Matt Venn
- Github:
- commit: 6c7f12b8be62d34d4f4221e18b9408b3c5ac8fcd
- Description: shows the time on a 640x480 panel
Frequency counter
- Author: Matt Venn
- Github:
- commit: 94cd6e626492dc2f623bf06163e90a84bde553cb
- Description: Counts pulses on input and displays frequency on 2 seven segment displays
RGB Mixer
- Author: Matt Venn
- Github:
- commit: 2676a8904591e92613fbfadf8c7f57fdfd79b1a4
- Description: reads 3 encoders and generates PWM signals to drive an RGB LED
Hack soc
- Author: Maximo Balestrini
- Github:
- commit: 54395c53d52f253bd71b35d0a1c2049c87d31103
- Description: Hardware implementation of the Hack Computer from the Nand to Tetris courses
- Author: Louis Ledoux AKA Binaryman
- Github:
- commit: c119cb48d76e8a4a62c80f98323efb114553c417
- Description: matrix multiply unit with exact accumulators, no intermediate roundings, fused-dot-products, and posit arithmetic
- Author: Thorsten Knoll
- Github:
- commit: 6e935d2d32acdcc66ab18c5894cb628b6c6b9048
- Description: Rebuild of the 4-bit Arithmetic Logic Unit 74181
vga demo
- Author: Zbigniew Drozd
- Github:
- commit: 7fb9353f1a9f5120a0bd7907963a1c65919f33c0
- Description: quick demo displaying three floating blobs
- Author: Uri Shaked
- Github:
- commit: 53c45898bd6fc04530bf6e9d17153418db5dd175
- Description: Game of Life, in Silicon
- Author: Zhenle Cao
- Github:
- commit: 5f7d3e5d0fcc9ffc3845dd7e97f55219ebd112ec
- Description: ACORN (Additive Congruential Random Number) generator, a pseudo random number generator made for the ZerotoASIC course to be taped out on SkyWater Open Source PDK SKY130 process. Design inspired from: . Huge shoutout and appreciation to Steven Goldsmith for his invaluable assistance with Caravel.
HSV Mixer
- Author: @proppy (forked from Matt Venn)
- Github:
- commit: 05ab3cfb40c1d934dceb3fe46740a491d4660f6f
- Description: reads HSV values from 3 encoders, convert to them RGB, and generates PWM signals to drive an RGB LED
- Author: Uri Shaked
- Github:
- commit: 927e7275e6ba42f02fec99f5928941eeb985ee29
- Description: Barebone MOSFET transistors
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